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Four Seasons ‎Brass Spark Lite Fire Starter Kit


Four Seasons ‎Brass Spark Lite Fire Starter Kit is an amazingly simple way of starting a fire.  Basically just a spark thrower and tinder.   Most of the time you can find some sort of tinder around, but when you can’t find any that’s dry, this will save your bacon!

Be prepared for any disaster. Four Seasons Brass Spark Lite ‎Fire Starter Kit is an amazingly simple way of starting a fire.  Basically just a spark thrower and tinder.

When it comes to starting a fire, nothing touches the Spark-Lite for functionality and ease. This version of the official U.S. Military fire starter, comes with an extra flint and a wrench.  This provides a way to extend the life of the Spark-Lite even farther.

Extremely light weight and simple to use.  No one should be without one in every backpack and emergency kit you own. To use this simple tool, just pull a Tinder-Quik tab from the plastic case and ignite with the Spark-Lite. Tinder-Quik is waterproof and will burn for 1-2 minutes giving you plenty of time to get your fire started.

The Spark-lite will even work with a variety of materials you can find outdoors such as milkweed and other fibrous materials. The Spark-Lite also allows for easy single handed operation. It is designed to spark hundreds of times and may be used with either the right or left hand.

  • Solid brass construction
  • Includes replacement flint and wrench, extending the life of the spark-lite
  • Includes 8 TinderQuik waterproof fire-starting tabs
  • Weighs less than 2 oz!
  • Will not rust

Four Seasons ‎Brass Spark Lite Fire Starter Kit.  Get yours today.