5 Things You're Forgetting to Put in Your Go Bag

Volcano Preparedness

Even if you don’t live near an active volcano, ash can travel for miles and affect you after an eruption. Learn how to prepare so you can avoid the hot stuff and keep yourself safe in the ashy aftermath.

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Volcano Facts

8% of the global population lives within 100 miles (62km) of a volcano that has had at least one significant eruption.

There are around 1,350 potentially active volcanoes in the world. 161 of these are in the US.

Lava is not the most dangerous hazard. Falling ash is the most likely cause of harm, including:

  • Poor air quality
  • Collapsed roofs
  • Clogged vents
  • Contaminated water supplies

How to Prepare for a Volcano

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What Not to Do During a Volcanic Eruption

Here are some volcano tips for you, if you’re better with “DON’Ts” than “DOs”

Don’t Evacuate if Instructed to Shelter in Place

If authorities have told you to remain, turn off your fans, cover those gaps, and stay indoors.

Don’t Breathe Ash

Ash is incredibly corrosive. If it can damage a car, it can damage your lungs. Always wear a mask or respirator.

Don’t Forget Your Go Bag

Evacuation is the most likely course! Make sure your Go Bag has all of the essentials to last you 72 hours.