5 Things You're Forgetting to Put in Your Go Bag

Tornado Preparedness

The sky is green and the wind is weird, so it’s just a matter of time before the tornado siren starts. Tornados are unpredictable, but preparing can lower your family’s risk of injury, death, or loss of property if a twister comes to town.

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A house that has been destroyed by a tornado

Tornado Facts

The US has more frequent and more severe tornados than the rest of the world. We’re #1! We’re #1!

About 1,000 tornadoes hit the US each year. In an average year, they cause 80 deaths, 1,500 injuries, and more than a billion dollars in damage.

Tornados can be up to two miles wide, but wind determines their severity. The rating scale is F0-F5. F0 are weak tornadoes (72 mph wind). F5 are very violent tornadoes (300 mph wind). F0-F3 are the most common ratings.

How to Prepare for a Tornado

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What Not to Do During a Tornado

Here are some twister tips for you, if you’re better with “DON’Ts” than “DOs”

Don’t Stay in the Car

If you’re driving when the warning hits, laying flat in a ditch is safer than being in your car.

Don’t Try to Watch It

Don’t go to your windows to see what’s happening. Stay in your shelter until the tornado is over.

Don’t Forget your Crank Radio

Power and cell towers may go out while you’re sheltered. A crank radio will keep you updated no matter what.