Volcano Preparedness
VOLCANOES. They’re everywhere you didn’t expect them to be.
Just kidding, they’re exactly where you think they are. They’re pretty well documented, and most people aren’t trying to keep them a secret. BUT! Did you know that 8% of the global population lives within 100 miles (62km) of a volcano that’s had at least one significant eruption? That’s more than half a billion people! I bet you just said, “Wow,” you little Owen Wilson impersonator! So here we are, realizing together that volcano eruptions are a very real danger. Let’s get prepared!
If you live near an active volcano, you almost certainly already know about it, but you might not know all of the steps you can take to avoid a truly devastating catastrophe, should the unthinkable occur.
Below, we’ll review the facts about volcanic eruptions, ways to prepare, and how to react once the heat is on. Consider this your all-in-one guide to