5 Things You're Forgetting to Put in Your Go Bag

Japan’s Earthquake-Proof Houses

Japan has more earthquakes than any other country, an average of 1,500 each year. And that’s just the earthquakes we can feel! To avoid living in a state of constant disaster, the people of Japan have developed strict building codes that keep things from falling apart when the ground starts shaking.

Housing Japan‘s article on the subject helps us understand the details. Every building must meet strict codes that were created to maximize seismic resistance, create vibration control, and isolate movement at the base of the structure to minimize the effects of a quake. A reinforced concrete frame reduces sway, flexible structural elements reduce vibration, and bearings reduce base movements.

Seismic Resistance, Vibration Control, and Base Isolation

Code requirements also consider each building’s unique features. Soil type, depth of foundation, and building height all affect what elements are needed to ensure safety during an earthquake.

In addition to creating top-notch building codes to keep residents from shaking in their boots, many Japanese buildings also have bonus features for added disaster preparedness:

  • Automatic shut-off for natural gas and electricity if earthquakes are detected
  • Emergency lighting
  • Automatic fire extinguishers

Do you live in a building with automatic sprinklers or other communal safety features? Only 2% of single family homes in the US have fire sprinklers, so let’s hear it for the apartment-dwellers!

In a final show of preparedness excellence, Japan also requires each building to be checked every ten years to ensure it still meets their strict earthquake safety codes. With earthquakes happening on a daily basis, repairs are likely!

If you live in an area where earthquakes are likely, seismic retrofitting may be a wise choice if you have the budget. Look into renovating (or just moving) if you live in a soft story structure, which is one of the most dangerous places you can be during an earthquake. No matter what, make sure you have shut-off tools in the house, well-stocked Go Bags and Stay Bag, and Under the Bed kits ready to go. React like a pro: learn more with our Earthquake Preparedness Guide. Drop, cover, and hold on!

About the Author

Writer, editor, and professional joker with an environmental science background. Like most trivia nerds, she's an ardent admirer of Only Connect competitors, but more at home on the QI field.

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