Our Favorite Stay Bag Items
Power outages and shelter-in-place orders can last a long time! Make your life easier by keeping a few sanity essentials on hand. Special treats and charged devices during an emergency can keep your group on an even keel, which could make all the difference, if you’re stuck there for a while.
Be sure to stick around for our bonus pick at the end!
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A solar + hand crank power bank/charger
Keep your devices in use without worrying about the power going out with a power bank that you can charge with the sun or by hand. Many of these double as a flashlight, another Stay Bag essential!
A snack you love, but don’t buy on a regular basis
Spice things up with a snack you love that will be an extra-special treat while you’re stuck inside.
A high protein option
Keep cranky attitudes at bay with filling, high protein snacks. Protein bars are a great vegetarian alternative; these bars actually have more protein per serving than the jerky!
A sweet treat other than candy
Candy is delicious, but it’s not the most substantial. Satisfy your sweet tooth in your Stay Bag with pudding, cookies, or caramel popcorn.
A game your family hasn’t played together before
There may be a lot of waiting around during a disaster, so keep your family entertained with a new game. Make sure to choose a game that can have enough players to include your entire family.
BONUS PICK: The Here Comes the Apocalypse Disaster Playbook
Your survival comes first, so this bundle of 1 Disaster Playbook, 2 I Will Thrive Manuals (one of your Go Bag, another for your Stay Bag), and the Disaster Deep Dive e-book is one of the most important items. It’s also our favorite because we wrote it!
The Disaster Playbook is the prepping bible for non-preppers, breaking down disaster preparedness basics into easy steps anyone can follow. Create and record a physical copy of your disaster plan with the Playbook’s companion, the I Will Thrive Manual. The Disaster Deep Dive gets your mind right when it comes to maintenance and drills, the unsung heroes of disaster preparedness. The Here Comes the Apocalypse Disaster Playbook will have you kicking disaster prep’s butt from Page One to Page Done. Best of all, you’re getting four books for the price of two!
We know disasters are extremely stressful, so we’re all for doing anything to make the experience more comfortable. Make sure sure to only buy non-perishable food and keep sticky fingers out of the Stay Bag: don’t let the kids (or yourself) pilfer the goods and leave you SOL when the lockdown starts.